What can be cooked from char

What do we know about this fish? First of all, it is average in size, its meat resembles something between salmon and pink salmon. Lives predominantly in lakes and rivers. A distinctive feature is the absence of scales. Fillet fillet is rich in useful fatty acids, protein and microelements. Meat has a rich taste, not as fat as a family of salmon. The char is most tasty if cooked by pickling, baking and frying. Let's look at a step-by-step recipe for cooking char in an oven, with cheese, nuts and spicy herbs.

What do we need?

In order to please their guests with unusualdish called "stuffed with cheese and walnut nuts", we need a deep fireproof form and foil, as this is the key to a successful cooking process. And now take a leaf, a pen and write down what products will be useful to us:

  • char (1-2 pcs.) - 1 - 1.5 kg

  • lemon juice - 5 tbsp. l.

  • pepper and salt to taste

  • sorrel1 beam

  • cheese of hard varieties - 150 200g

  • pieces of white bread - 2 loamies

  • walnut (chopped) half a cup

  • sour cream (fat content up to 15%) - 150 g

  • mustard to taste

  • butter - 50 gr

  • white wine of dry sorts - 200 ml

  • onions - 2 medium heads

Technology of cooking char in the oven

Gut the carcass, cut off fins, heads andtails. Cleaned fish should be rinsed under running cold water, and then dried with a paper towel. Processed carcasses should be rubbed with salt and pepper, then left for an hour in the refrigerator so that the salt is absorbed into the fillet.

What can be cooked from char

While the fish is standing in the fridge, we proceed topreparing forcemeat. To do this, on a fine grater rubbed hard cheese, finely chopped butter. In the resulting mass, add half a glass of chopped walnuts (the smaller, the better), chopped sorrel, lemon juice and spicy herbs (the best combination is sage or basil). It is necessary to stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained, then add sour cream and mustard to it and mix again. After this, throw the finely chopped slices of white bread and pour the wine. We wait until the bread has softened, then we begin to crush it into minced meat.

The fish is stuffed as follows: cut along the abdomen, lay out the minced meat, and then tie it with a tight thread so that the contents remain when baking.

What can be cooked from char

Heat-resistant form is lubricated with vegetable orbutter, after which we spread the stuffed fish, from above it can be coated with sour cream for a crispy crust. On top of the char is sprinkled with sliced ​​onion rings. The form is covered with a culinary foil and put in the oven preheated to 200С. The cooking time is 20-30 minutes (depending on its size). After these minutes, remove the foil and switch the oven to grill mode. In this form, the fish is toasted for another 5-10 minutes. For a more piquant taste, you can sprinkle it with white wine.

Served this dish with potato garnish or vegetable stew. From drinks, white and red wines, fruit fruit and juices are perfectly combined.

The recipe for cooking char, of course, is notis considered to be fast. But, believe me, the time spent is more than compensated by happy smiles of guests and relatives who will appreciate your efforts. By the way, this dish can be safely served as the main thing, because it is very appetizing and looks elegant. You can decorate it with grated yolks and chopped greens. Bon Appetit!

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